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Anyone know of a free site ..

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theonlyone | 19:30 Mon 02nd Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
that I can use to find a phone number .. the people as not ex-directory ..just unlisted .. 192 .com ..another rip off have to pay for credits .. i'm paying a line rental to them to use the phone ..tia


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bt .com ?
Over half of all UK residential phone numbers are ex-directory. If you can't find a number here (for free), you won't find it anywhere: t/en/search/residential/search.publisha

Thats the one i meant .
Just done a better job of it chico.
Well done

Question Author
Thanks for that Chris ...will give it a try ...
Question Author
Did try it joy will have to write
a letter ...if the postal service manage to
deliver it !!!

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Do you know the answer?

Anyone know of a free site ..

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