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Feeling Old

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Eve | 19:37 Mon 02nd Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
What makes you feel old.

For me..

Wondering how films are given such a low age certification.

Being annoyed by that "it's not music it's noise" kids play on public transport on their phones.

Having no idea what my team at work are talking about.


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Policeman and doctors still in short trousers
lol Jenna - Join the grumpy old women! Skinny waists make me feel old! All these young girls with skinny waists, I use to have one!
1) Realising the ENTIRE English Cricket, Football and Rugby team are younger than me (and I am not that old)

2) Moaning at how school girls dress these days

3) Reading biographies as opposed to thrillers.

4) Driving an automatic car

5) Actually reading reviews when buying electrical items.

Yes, I am getting old!!!!
Age is merely a number and a state of mind. I'm 60 going on 25. My brother is 62 going on 95. I don't feel middle-aged let alone old.
Looking in a well-lit mirror does it for me every time! lol.
Worsening memory! Actually went to work without mascara on today!!! What!!!!! Never in 40 odd years have I ever gone out without mascara on! If I'd have noticed I would have felt naked!
The need to carry my glasses EVERYWHERE!!
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Was driving round with Mr J looking at a possible area we want to live in the other day and was more there's a Homebase and a B&Q and a big supermarket rather than nice bars and such.

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Feeling Old

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