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Have you ever boldly went where no man or

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Lisa1983 | 13:41 Wed 04th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
woman has went before?


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many times Joe, many times
No - whenever i do, someone has beaten me to it! Crafty beggars!
I hope so. I hope that most people have not been in my knickers before I put them on.
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I only just fit them so doubt anyone would be able to get in them with me. I would just sleep better if I knew I was first to wear my knickers
Is there anywhere left to boldly go where no man has gone before?
my thoughts exactly tigerlily
I never see anyone in the library any more. If I popped in there, would that count?
some subterranean (sp) caves in china apparently
Well I'm in the Library the now JJ if you want to pop in and say hi....
Hey, sandrajo ... so are you down in Jubilee Street?

I've not been in there (hangs head in shame). x
No, I'm in the one here in Cumbernauld.

Why you hanging your head in shame, are you really a secret bookworm?
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I've timidly gone where no man has been before, does that count? or does it have to be boldly?
Just had to look up where Cumbernauld is, sandrajo.

Wow, you're a long, long way away.

Actually, I am a little bit of a bookworm. I always have a few books on the go.

I like to read in bed before I nod off.
Yeah it is a bit far eh....only jesting about the bookworm part, I'm here as I'm doing a course.
ahh Fluff I see yu watched Wild China to eh!
Cleaning the Gents loos in a club on
Sat and Sun mornings ...not a nice job..
lasted 15 months ...

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Have you ever boldly went where no man or

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