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on the way home at night

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MrLee-Gend | 23:22 Wed 18th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Over the last 3 or 4 days on the way home i have notice dthees a new phenomeneom .Its women with blonde or bleached blonde hair wearing black dresses.Its on the rise and now at night every blondie or bottle blondie i seee at night is wearing a black dres.Is there a strict dress code fro being a blondie?Does it say on the hair dye box "Must be applied evenly and suppplemented by a black dress in the evenings" ?

Well any idaes folks?


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a lot of transvestites wear a black dress and a blonde wig.

why not be brave and give it another go.
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Sorry octavius i thought you were a woman i know .My msiatke shes shaven down there.Yours is like a forest with a twig stickin out.

My mistake please frogive me.
you say twig i say branch.

but don't feel insuperior or anything, its just that some guys are luckier than others.

Leggy, I'm still here. Look ...

:-) (that's me, side on)

W a nkey, sorry I mean Whiffey, didn't get me banned.

But now I have to avoid being suggestive. So ...

No naughty answers, please.
oh **** jayne, did you ****** report me for ***** on ***** AB?

do you kiss your mother with that mouth?


-- answer removed --
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Jayne i dont think you should talk to me.
I just learned today im an allround bad guy and folk shouldnt talk to me or they are bad people : - (
How do you get that, Octavius?!!!
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Hes playin with his whistle lol
Oh - and legend - the funny answer's already been done, but on a serious note, according to the houses of Armani and Versace, a black dress makes every woman look beautiful, because its simple and plain colour can be enhanced by any other colour of accessory. Black also has a slimming effect, which nearly all women like, even if they're happy with their shape, and I don't think it matters whether the woman has blonde hair or not. You probably just notice the blondes in Tenerife because a lot of women lighten their hair, particularly when on holiday.
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theres a lot of english staright outta the bottle blondies lol

cheep and chavful lol
Lol! Cheerful, maybe, but not always cheap! Have you seen the prices that some places charge, just to turn a woman into a blonde???

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on the way home at night

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