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picking spots

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sleepy1 | 16:54 Tue 08th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
do you like a good pick of a spot ..?


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I prefer a good squeeze of one and when it splats on the mirror, even better!
do you ever pick your bum?
see the only76 image i have in my head now is mario and lisa of BB euwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thanks sleepy ;-)
I think you will find that women prefer to squeeze spots more than men, don't ask me why!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a massive spot at the moment and I refuse to pick it, although it has prompted lots of advice, my favourite was

"aww go on and spat it on a mirror"
Having two teenagers, I am spoilt for choice with spots, plukes, pimples, blackheads & the odd boil.

We spend a fortune on Windolene in our house.
Oxy ten tha zit.
matrix think it goes back to grooming by monkeys,they tend to go through the body looking for fleas lol!!!
i klove to pick a scab

greatttt fun

oooh la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

D T H ?
Question Author
lovely lol i keep picking my spot surprised no one said g spot lol
What's a G spot ?
O K forget it. :-(

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picking spots

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