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Strewth !!!!!!

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BertiWooster | 18:27 Thu 10th Jul 2008 | News
22 Answers
In the metro paper today .

When Teresa Clarke took her first driving lesson in 1981 , US president Ronald Reegan was recovering from an assasination attempt and Prince Charles was preparing to marry Diana Spencer .

Now 27 years and three American leaders later she has finally passed her test .

The driving instructor that she passed with admitted she had been a '' difficult'' student

It took her , 450 Hours of lessons , 50 Mock tests , 12 Failed tests , 20 Instructors and � 15000 in fees

She says her lack of concentration has '' improved '' .

She is still waiting for her first solo drive and has one final obstacle to overcome - persuading her husband to buy her a car

Shall we all raise our glasses and welcome her to the roads , or will you be glancing nervoulsly from now on , in your rear view mirror ?



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What ho , Everton old man .

Your'e correct , old chap - slap on the button and leading by a length in the final furlong .

Whatever would Aunt Dahlia think .

Have you seen Gussie ? - these newts are getting everywhere
I read that story today, and the thing that struck me was that when she started driving she was in her mid thirties....and she passed when she was a pensioner.

Either she'll be the best person on the road where she lives, or she'll be on the evening news within a month, walking into her local magistrates court.

It totally could go either way.

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Strewth !!!!!!

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