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blind people

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abstract | 20:47 Mon 14th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
can you get employment taking out blind people? does anyone know anywhere i could get some information on this?


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I used to help out a blind girl in mainsteam schooling while I was at uni, all voluntary though.

Saying that she did have an assistant who used to help her out of a daily basis who I believe was paid. I'd cover when she wasn't there.
Try asking on jobs and employment.
Maybe as a mini bus driver taking people on shopping trips or to day centres or clubs and similar.

There are transport systems. I also volunteered at a centre for the disabled and I helped one deaf blind lady home once as neither of the transport guys could sign and I didn't like the thought of her being in communicado all the way back home.
Why not contact the RNIB and ask if they need volunteers.
I used to work as a learning support tutor for the RNIB. My job was to support blind and partially sighted students taking courses at the local college, and it was very rewarding. Much of the work involved working as amanuensis, but I had to do stuff like getting notes adapted (either into Braille or large print), taking assignment dictation, escorting students around the college or just acting as liaison between student and lecturer.

As I've said, it was immensely rewarding, and I'm still in touch with one of my students ten years on. He took a couple of full-time IT courses and now has a sideline putting PC systems together for disabled users.

One of the specialist workers I used to meet was a mobility trainer. It was basically his job to teach people how to get around independently.

Funnygirl speaks wisdom - contact RNIB.
Contract killing is illegal in the UK, even if the victim can't see you coming :)

My blind friend has three full time assistants, all employed by Social Services
LMAO!!! Ethel, great minds! :o)

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