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I slept downstairs last night...

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CAJ1 | 15:53 Fri 01st Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
...there was a spider in my bed and it ran under the bed somewhere. I tried sleeping but kept thinking things were crawling on me so went downstairs to sleep. What would you hate to find in your bed???


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CAJ1. If you hear a clicking under your bed tonight

dont worry it will be a couple of spiders having a

conker fight
Amy winehouse
Once, some years ago, I awoke to find a mouse running over the top of my face. Now I'm pretty laid back about small furry things, but that really was the limit, especially as my new born daughter was in her cot in the next room, and I didn't fancy her sharing it with a rodent. But overall spiders are still the big NO NO
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I have to agree on the spider i'm terrified of the critters. :(
lmao at dustypuss!!
I would be very excited at the thought of anything in my bed to be quite honest I sleep alone (sob sob) but I would hate to find my ex in my bed!
Must have been a right old night last night for furry things I stumbled to investigate a squeeking noise at 3am and found a bat peering in through my bathroom window!! I quite honestly crapp*d myself! not sure whats worse a bat or a spider???
pinkbunny - you should have opened the window and invited the bat in.

It might have turned into a vampire like Spike off Buffy and I wouldn't mind finding him in my bed!
it was open hence the reason why I crapp*d myself and legged it out shutting the door behind me! it was tiny and making a hell of a racket how stupid to be scared of it! But I must admit I did have visions of vampire teeth but thinking about it spike off buffy when I have not even had a spider in my bed for ages mmmmm good thought. I will be on the lookout for him tonight!
Bats are cute, imagine the hamster you always wanted, but with the magic ability to fly!. Not scarry at all if you think of them this way. But a spider is always a spider.
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