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Where are the rainbow crew!!!

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puddicat | 22:53 Sun 03rd Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Wheres George Zippy and Jayne?


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fantastic loved it!!!!
Let me paraphrase for you Drisgirl, knobby is a big fat turd. Am I close?
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ok whiffy its quiet now let it be!!!!
So does he have a drink problem Dris? I did see the message he wrote about you last night calling you terrible names and then he later wrote another apologising. I just thought the guy must be mentally ill. Talk about Jekyll and Hyde!
Here is one more video by George before I leave AB.Got work tomorrow so I must go in a moment.
This is George summing up the weather for tomorrow perhaps!!
George from Rainbow sums up the weather
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imo thats cold weather where i live lol!!!! nite nite!!!!
Cold weather makes your balls shrivel up.
Nit nite puddicat!
I'm off too,and I dare say whiffy the cold weather certainly does unimaginable things sometimes!!
velvetee -I dont honestly know -he was out of it last night and today -worst ive ever seen.Same old same old -id you have a drink problem you have to brinh others in -I was dragged in by a few drunks last night -i was sober howverver.

Not to say i dont quaff a vino tinto but I control it and only indulge when i know I am not required to drive or something else -thats the difference.

Let them think what they like I know the truth my husband knows the truth -and Knobby will get a mouthful if he is man enough to take it -H wont let this cr@p go He not only overstepped the mark in the early hpurs he bleeding comntinued -poor Lippy -yet he is a really top bloke -drink is his master -shame (:.But hey -truth will out when drunk -so i know exactly where I stand lol

I was just embarassed for my son -a grown man behaving like that to his mum -it was shameful.
How bizarre, groups of drunks coming onto a forum and becoming aggressive. I now understand why their leader was behaving in a paranoid way, he suddenly became obsessed with Dot Hawkes and accused me of being her. I don't even know who Dot Hawkes is. I now realise he must have been rat arsed too.
Got it in one Velvetee -they are paranoid schitzos (sp? and no offence to any genuine ones out there ).

He is obsessed with her and now me -for reasons he cant even explain himself -but his followers duly follow on.

I like Pasta -I was frinendly with her for a long time -she -unlike Knobby I have to say -decided when legend wanted to diss me that she had to come down on one side of the fence -knobby sat on the fence as did icey and I respected them for that -it was nowt to do with them anyway -in fact it was nowt to do with me either but thats another tale lol.

Now we have the Boston Tea Party -I cant Email Icey for a chat -I cant interact with Pasta as she would be seen as being disloyal (plus I was tonque in cheek cheeky about her -escalated of course by the (AB) user and Knobby lost the plot -and where is the orchestrator -watching what we post and amassing the troops -lol
you just live too far north

it explains it
Teuchter lol!!
blimey, is dris still drissling on?

couldn't take too many hours of that
Maybe they both have some sort of crush on him. Pasta always jumsp to his defence, even when she has no idea about what is going on. Have either of these ladies actually met him or is he still just an online "friend"?
they've all pizzed orf to facebook pasta
do you blame them ?
What the..???? If you want to email me Dris - do so.

God knows what poor pasta's said or done to you. Why all this falling out?

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Where are the rainbow crew!!!

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