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Its monday its 12.20

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sir.knobby | 12:21 Mon 25th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
And guess what I got a silver machine


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So have I. What's yours then?
Mine is silver too but it broke down so am waiting for a new one to be delivered. It only lasted less than 3 years FFS, washing machines are not built to last any more are they?

New one is a hotpoint, what's yours?
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Hy apes I did mean to text you last night but it got a bit late about 3 oclock in the morning so did not want to wake you up its only a scorpio ultima and it drives like a dream and when they were new they cost over 20 grand I used to have a cosworth one off them and boy did that shift for a huge car and this one has every boys toys on it that you can imagine and they all work.

Much better than a merc
I think Knobby is talking about his new car haysi. He's being coy about telling me what it is though!

Okay then Knobz, I'll tell you what mine is first. It's a Nissan X-Trail 2.5L SVE. NOW will you tell me what you've bought?!!
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Shrrupppp hays you taking the pee out off my silver machine are you?
You posted that while I was still typing Knobby. I look like a twonk now, lol!!!
I love Silver x
-- answer removed --
I like hawkwind too x
I've a friend in our village that likes the old Scorpios. They do drive well by all accounts but never driven one myself. Staying true to Dagenham type with a Ford then Knobz, lol!
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Funny though I normally hate the coluer silver in a car but the only car that it looks good in is an ultima
LOL sir.knobby, twas just a wee joke!
I want a Dodge Viper x
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Yep off course apes I have always had granadas and had a mk 1 coupe once and that was sooooo cooll.

And yes whiffy before you say it, it was a chav machine
Granny coupe
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Yea I know hays no probs
You hate silver cars Knobby? Most of the cars we've had have been silver!

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Its monday its 12.20

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