All the on-line road maps and all satnavs seem to think there is a short cut road just round the corner when it is only a narrow footpath hardly usable for a bicycle. Consequently, anyone who doesn't know the area, including many delivery drivers, get lost trying to reach our address. Who originates the maps all these systems rely on and how can we get them to change it? Microsoft's Autoroute has a facility to report errors to the software compilers, which I have done (months ago) but I'm pretty sure it will make no difference.
I presume the UK Government has also concluded that reporting errors would be useless, if not impossible, and is therefore consulting on the introduction of road signs perhaps similar to those already trialled by some councils.
I know exactly how you feel. When delivery drivers put my postcode into their satnavs, they get directed to a street of the same name, but in a village a mile away! I get phone calls to say "we are outside your house" and I have to tell them "oh no you're not"!