Yes you are right, if I go on and force you to change your life style that is not damaging the society or not having any bad affects on the society then I am doing it against Islam myself. Islam gives priority to society over individuals. All the things you said there about being law abiding, looking after husband and so on has no bad affect on society so you will not find any thing in Islam any where that says you have to change that.
Now where is the logic, there are so many but I will give only one example. Lets talk about Wiz as he already thinks we are talking about him, lol. If Islam prohibits alcohol (apart from medicinal reasons) then western media is warning about it more than Islam. Most of the crimes, death, anti social behaviour, road accidents, unwanted children, child abuse, bad affects on unborn child, liver failure, and so on list is endless, is all due to over consumption of alcohol. Now only because Wiz (my good friend) likes getting drunk, I can not say Oh its ok. In other words Now media and science of course are saying what Islam said 1400 years ago. So why do you blame Islam? That is where I say that every single teaching of Islam is logical. If other religions have any of these things that can be proven I would have no problem in accepting that and I am sure Islam would have already talked about that.
In the end I know you would not agree with any thing so I am not even expecting. I am just giving my views and know they make sense.