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black jack`s

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bringitback | 19:34 Sat 15th Jan 2005 | Food & Drink
15 Answers
black jack`s bazooa joe,friut salad,m&b bars,tudor crisp`s.smith`s salt and shake anyone remember anymore plz


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Sherbet dabs, home-made ice lollies from the shop freezer (in Salford our shop made lollies we called 'tubs', but we were local...)...and as we aged slightly, what about the really sickly bierritz, an orange-flavoured beer - occurred in the same era as Aqua Mand perfume whose bottle it resembled. Remember Aqua Manda, Biba, feathered hair and feather boas....?
Everlasting strips (toffee).
you can buy black jacks at tesco they are in a bag with fruit salad,,the only thing is they have shrunk..i saw a programme on television about someone doing really well selling all these old fashioned sweets online,,but didnt get the web address..maybe one of the answerbank regulars may know it..their is a shop in birmingham next to the theatre in digbeth that sells all old fashioned sweets at inflated prices,,as its part of the back to back houses museum run by the national trust,,i went in and bought some old fashioned liqourice sticks and some rainbow calli to dip the sticks in..
Mojo's...Anglo Bubbly...Lucky bags...Spanish Gold...Jubblys...Spangles...Hard juice liquorice..Liquorice water..Sherbert dabs...Fish and chips in newspaper....Spud guns...bring 'em back!!....Bring 'em all back!!
Beechnut chewing gum.
milk chews, lovely jubbleys, also wigwams and jungle jims.. there is a website called aquarterof who sells the oldies
curly wurlys

Regarding the website mentioned by willowherb - there are many. My favourite is

Jubblies & Banana Palm Toffee - yummy!
All my old favourites have been mentioned, but have they real shrunk or have our hands got bigger?

Apparently you can buy all these at cybercandy in Covent Garden. They have a website

Zen that is a brilliant website, i want all those now! What about splicers I loved them. Like a long giant opal fruit. And watermelons, a giant gobstopper in a box 10p from the ice cream van. mmmmm.
Whatever Happened to Texan Bars!!! I loved them and the adverts!!

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