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general knowledge quiz

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knowimust | 20:52 Tue 16th Sep 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
30 which instrument does Zoot play in theMuppet showband?
31 who first presented Ready,Steady , Cook?
32 where was the cult drama series "The Prisoner" filmed?
33 As an aid to hisgambling John Montague invented what?
34 in what year was the Live aid concert?
Thanks for any help.


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31. Fern Britton
32 Port Merrion
33 Sandwich
34 1985
32 Portmeirion
32 Portmeirion
34. 1985 (July 13th)
30 saxophone..................
30 Saxaphone
30 Saxaphone
30 Sax
31 Fern Britton
32 Wales - Portmeiron
33 The Sandwich
34 1985
30. Saxophone

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general knowledge quiz

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