U2, R1, L1 (go up and get the close egg without hitting the rotating tile)
D2, R12 (all the way to the bottom right corner and hit the yellow conveyor switch)
U10, L8 (up and into the top right portion of the maze, hitting the red switch and getting the copper key)
D3, U1, R2, D2 (start clearing out the center section, tripping the yellow switch and getting the silver key which you won't need)
R1, L3, D2, R2, U1, D1, R2, U4 (work your way around the rest of the middle area back toward the top right)
R2, D3 (move D) D3, U1 (clear out the rest of the right side)
L2, U1, D1, L6 (clear out the bottom)
U10, R10 (get the rest of the eggs and the gold key (which you also won't need) and make your way out)