I still think in this case that you might not get a visa. I say this because to get a two year suspended sentence, I would have thought that the affray would have to have been more than a bit of fisticuffs in the street.
You don't want to get into the Catch 22 situation of applying for a visa, when you don't really have to, being turned down, and then finding that in fact you could have got in legitimately on the Visa Waiver, but now can't (this has happened to a couple of people here, and it is horrible to witness)
If I were you I'd say you have two choices.
- Be completely clear of what this affray was. Is there anything else on his police record? Any additional records will not be positive. You can judge whether you can get in on the Visa Waiver scheme by seeing if what has been done, amounts to moral turpitude, by using the US's own Foreign Affairs visa manual, here...
http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/86 942.pdf
It is not the easiest of reads. Since your honeymoon is going to such an important event for you, if you are still in any doubt, it could be worth engaging an immigration lawyer for an hour and get their opinion/advice (perhaps over the internet from the US, you will find plenty visa Google).
- Option two, is 'forgetthing the record' and then bricking it right until you you go through the airport. Not exactly a relaxing start to the honeymoon though...