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Really Nothing Better To Do

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Caribeing | 20:25 Mon 22nd Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
Maybe not the right category for this judging by some of the questions! But forgetting all the important things you have to cope with what would you do if you really had nothing better to do! I have just got some paperwork files etc in order! Loads of other things to do but will eventually get there!


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ahh, there's my man.. what a Legend ♥

thanks xxx
Weeal and sara , if I told john would have to kill me's a military top secret indeed .

I mean it would be rude not to share .

Curly top : 0)
oh no mamma, dont take the risk, we can have green jelly tots instead
They're green for a reason al, when a member of HM Forces returns home from parts foreign he has certain 'needs' to attend to, however, said serviceman's children are so overjoyed to see him that he cannot indulge his and his long suffering wife's needs. A handful of green winegums thrown into the garden are camouflaged enough to distract the offspring while needs are satisfied.
such a sweetie.. no pun intended!

oh, I got proper told off last time I said that :o(
I heard that all it takes is a nintendo ds game andthe kids are quiet for hours.

Its the 21st century now.

D T H ?�?�
why oh why did I have to ask that - groannnnnnn
a handful of green winegums thrown into the garden
not very h and s johnboy
sara call me sweet if u wanna.

mrs chappy calls me bonny!!!

they say she will be offf the medication in a few weeks tho

I'd already checked it for hidden anti personnel mines parra
Whatever you do dont throw mars bar !!!!


oh itv new drama

john kids will need medication with eating sweets off the floor

has his third wife got any kids

Sara are u in shock from my revelation about mrs chappy ??

Question Author
Enjoyed all the weird and varied replies! Counting loops on bath rugs watching ice cube melt! Wine Gums seem to be the most popular pastime! Whats the attraction!!
Mary, we do stray some, don't we?

Leg, bonny? I thought that was for babies in bonnets!

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