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poodledoo | 14:53 Wed 24th Sep 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
33)What is the worlds smallest marine fish?(The sites I've Googled seem to dispute the answer-I don't need a clue, just what you think the answer is please!)K ey words WORLDS SMALLEST MARINE FISH.


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male specimen of the deep-sea anglerfish Photocorynus spiniceps ?
I'd say Dwarf Goby
I had the first answer but then decided it was far too complicated and didnt fit the rest of the quiz style so went for dwarf goby - time will tell -lol
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thank you for your answers-I've gone back to dwarf goby, but it does make me so cross when questions are disputed as in the website quoted-gets a bit expensive on the Tippex! If I change the answer again, I shall go through the paper! I thought Google was supposed to confirm an answer, not to dispute it!

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