I was 9lb 15oz but that was ages ago and babies seem to be getting bigger. Over 10lbs isn't unusual nowadays. Mine were 9lb 1oz and the second was 8.12 but he was 3 weeks early and would probably have made 10lbs
When I had my second son (5lb 6 oz) there was a baby in special care which weighed 12lb at birth. It must have looked so huge compared to all the tiny babies in there. I don't know what was wrong with it, or even if it was weight related (which I doubt).
I was 7lbs 11 oz, 3weeks early with a heart condition so god knows what I would have been had I been healthy and on time and my baby brother was 10lbs 7 oz, but there have been loads of bigger babies in my familly, although luckily not my daughter who was coincidentally 7lbs 10 1/2 oz (1 week late)
hi my eldest son was 5 pounds 6oz and was tiny compared to my neighbours baby who was born two days later by c section and weighed a whoppin 10 pounds 9oz she looked three months old compared to my little boy does this answer any questions about heavy babies you have. jayz
often heavy babies are caused by undiagnosed gestational diabetes.
Its often the case now that following a heavy 9lb+ baby any subsequant pregnancies are checked for GD.
Both mine were 9lbs 6oz. I was diagnose with GD for my second and had to watch my diet. It can cause complications for baby once born if GD has caused the weight, such as blood glucose problems and breathing difficulties.
My second was very long but very fat looking, it took a couple of weeks for her face to look thinner.
My nephew was 11lb 3 when he arrive in March!
And he was only a day overdue as they took her in for a c section the day after her due date becase of his size!
My son was 6lb9.25oz 3 years ago, so thought I was on for a winner with this time......last Sat, 27th Sept, I gave birth to a very big headed 10lb 9.25oz baby girl.....OUCH is all I can say, as I had her naturally with no G&A at the end....Hubby will be goin for the snip lol....