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who do yu do?

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ddaisy99 | 22:14 Fri 24th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
if yu think of a postee like a celeb who do yu think of? Legindisgod like alan carr with all the tcampness, sara as sarah greene tiggerblue as tiggerr


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Ethel is Daphne from Eggheads
Ethel is like Anne can't pull a fast one her! I just tried and got caught out.
Yeah, I saw that. I thought you were taking a risk.
Is Dot Hawkes Mrs. Slocombe?
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sirknobby is ian beale lol
O -so not -Knobby is just Knobby -I racked my brains there and no -he is unique -in a good way.

Legend -way off the mark there lol.He says he's like Johnny Vegas but in fairness and I have to say this- he actually is a good looking fella only cos his son is the dead spit of him and he (his son) is so gorgeous you wouldnt believe it.

Dot -no way -ive seen her pic and she is a lovely looking chic.

Ethel -thats interesting as she is a dark horse and I suspect thats the way she would like to remain -however there is more to Ethel than meets the eye so I guess a bit of Anne Robinson as well.

Ive seen loads of the photos so it would be a cheat but say JJ -i see her as a blond long bob -I believe she is fit and I think she would be a mental pal to have -younger less forthright Carol McGiffen -and man that is one compliment JJ if you read this as I lurve her.(cept she doesnt exercise and is poutspoken where you are just funny -but you still remind me of her lol)

Whiffey-blondish flop hair do lol (sorrry Whif) -teddy bear (again sorry Whif) -think you know where im going so i'll stop lol
i'm free! Panic Button
Oh cheers PB, I'll remember that
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Thank you sir driss at least you know me a bit I would say that whiffey is more like ian bilge sly cunning and a little coward and I can assure you ddasiy I am only one of them three
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