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iron maiden

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johny5 | 13:49 Fri 07th Nov 2008 | Music
5 Answers
Never heard any of there albums but would like to, theres just so many.
What is the best album for a first time listener?


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I'd go for 'The Number Of The Beast' and then go for 'Powerslave', you should be a fan after those two.
I agree with The Number of the Beast but their first album Seventh Son of a Seventh Son was pretty good too.
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Thanx for your comments, will do.
Er.... Seventh Son was nothing like their first album.

Number of the beast is possibly the best to start with, not that they are bad but stay clear or their first, the self titled Iron Maiden and second album Killers as they had the original singer Paul Di'Anno. As it happens they are really good but don't feel or sound like real Iron Maiden albums to me.

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How Good Is 'The Number Of The Beast' 1st time i heard it i loved it.

Good call guys THANX.

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iron maiden

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