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Grundig Sky Digibox

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dot.hawkes | 10:45 Sun 21st Dec 2008 | Technology
5 Answers
I am giving my old sky digibox away on freecycle and a guy is picking it up today, there is no longer a zapper for it, i think i chucked it out when we moved here as the battery cover was missing, anyway, will he be ok to use his current remote, as his own box has packed in and he's advertised for one on the freecycle site.


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yep sky remotes are standard
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Oh thanks Chuck, he's actually just left with it and he thinks it will be ok, he asked for the card too and so i left it in, I have a new one in this new box, it won't matter that he has our card will it? Doers the card have to work with the machine or something?
The remote will be fine (and in fact you can buy spare sky remotes from places like tesco for under �15)

I wouldn't have left the card in though unless it was one you were using for watching the free to air/view channels only. if it was a paid for card I would have removed it and destroyed it if no longer needed by you.
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well the account it was for was cancelled at the other address and my son put this one here in his name cos he has the sky+ and multiroom, so the old card would only be used for the free channels I guess. he says he has his own card of course, no doubt he can sort it out

thanks chuck
awww dot you sweetie

did he borrow your old credit cards as well? ... I'm sure he has his own ... but

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