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Eve | 22:38 Tue 23rd Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Hello everyone :)

I will keep it brief as I am decidedly drunk as a skunk after the works Christmas do :)

Strange night as got very emotional for some people, strange what comes out after a few drinkies!

How is everyone?

Mwah! xxx


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maud-potreen(not A poteen)-illegally distilled v alcoholic irish drink
JJ -youre sharp
Question Author
aaaaaaah :)

I think I have had quite enough alcohol for one night :) I blame my boss hehe :)

So looking forward to a nice rest though gonna have to wait a few days for a proper rest but so nice to be able to relax.
awhh sis, an emotional evening.. bless yer heart!

you've gotta love Jayne with her practical advice :o)
Jen, get yourself off to bed now, HC is exhausted
Question Author
I do :)

I'm off to bed very soon though HC has not long legged it out the cat flap - probably as he can't get any sense out of his mummy :)

Night night everyone :) xxx
Thanks beejay ... x

Hi Sassy ... I have learned the art of "self preservation when you're trolleyed".

HC will come back when he is ready. CAts, whether boys or girls are all tarts lol!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aww, night Jen.

Hope you get a whole night's sleep.

Maybe keep a towel beside your pillow, just in case.
or a bowl or bucket lol
Question Author
Awww :) I'm not that bad, more lightheaded tipsy than proper drunk, too much of a control freak and never get in such a state I can't get myself or anyone with me home safe.

I'm quite sensible really. We did a breakfast run at work and had a full Christmas dinner at the do and made sure I've eaten and had lots of water (well, cordial) and taken all my make up off :)

Ok, I really am going to bed now :) xxx
sleep well, night night xx
Night jen , sleep well and safe xxx

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