My dads cat had been favoring his hind leg for a few weeks and then the leg began to have bump in it, which has swollen up like a baloon. now tha cat dosent use the leg at all and its verry large. my dad wants to put the cat to sleep. I would like to see the cat get better. does any one have a sudjestion of what could be wrong? ( dont say go to the vet or dad will have the cat put down.)
This happened to my cat about 6 years ago. It turned out to be an abcess. The vet burst it and prescribed antibiotics and she was fine after a couple of days.
Put your foot down with your dad. Take the cat to the vet yourself, then at least the cat has a chance of recovery. I'm sure you wouldn't mind paying the vet bill, seeing as you are concerned enough about the cat to come on here to ask advice. Hope you can sort this out for the cats sake, it's not its fault its not well.
Sounds like an abscess, as Barmaid suggests. It probably needs antibiotics and/or lancing. Poor thing must be in agony, please take it to your local vet as soon as possible. If you cannot afford the vet fees, then take it to your local PDSA - they will help you with the cost of treatment.
This happened to my cats tail. It was an absess, just needs lancing and probably some anti-biotics, very painful but soon mended.
Please, please, take the cat to the vet.
how old are you can you not take the cat to the vets your self if not ring the rspca and report him you dont have to give your name he doesnt deserve to have pets if he wont look after them i bet if it was his leg he would soon be down the doctors