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It goes to your head

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anita cork | 21:20 Mon 05th Jan 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
I need help with three answers in this quiz in which the answers all contain an item that is put on the head:
10, Foreign dramas can be somewhat hot and go to your head! (6)
17. ....but th3e sub-lieutenant was found in a lady's headdress! (6)
23. ... and the naval officer had no alternative - and took pot! (7)
Any help would be much appreciated.


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10 madras
23 Looks as if it should be commode, but don't know what that has to do with headgear!
n a small sideboard; an ornamental chest of drawers; a chair containing a chamberpot; a large high headdress formerly worn by ladies.
You learn something new every day :)
Toilets on ships known as heads?

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It goes to your head

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