Hi all, I have a Ragdoll kitten, Misty, who is absolutely adorable but she is a little minx. She has taken to scratching at the carpets outside all the doors in the house but I think that is to get in the rooms but she is also now scratching at the carpet around the fire hearth, in fact, any bit of carpet will do. How can I stop her from ripping all the carpets up? Thanks.
Thanks ruthann - I have tried that and she just licks at it - as I said earlier she is a little minx. She tried to get out of the back door the other night and when I stopped her from going out, she swiped her water bowl all over the kitchen, it was hilarious - I think she thinks she is a little girl.
I have a rescue cat named Jambo who did exactly the same and I cured him by using a well aimed childrens water pistol.
I had to hang around to catch him at it but he got the message eventually.
Has she got a scratching post? You can get one from Argos for about �6.00.
Those rough doormats are quite good as well for them to scratch their claws on.
They need to keep their claws in check, especially if indoor cats, so try and get her to do it where it's allowed.
They don't like the smell of citrus either so you could sprinkle in some citrus smelling carpet stuff like shake and vac which might discourage her andmaybe put some catnip where it's ok for her to scratch.
if its not too big an area - try double sided sticky tape -cats hate it and I've found it very effective. until she has a scratching post she will always want to scratch somewhere - try putting a bit of catnip on the post when you get it or rub you hand around her face then rub the post just to get her started. good luck
Thanks for all your answers. She has got a scratch post and uses it quite a lot and I also have a mat just inside the front door which she also uses !! She likes to try and pick it up with her claws and then climb under it !! Luckily she has never touched any of the furniture it's just carpets. I will try the citrus remedy though so thanks for that. I don't think I could use the water pistol on her although I'm sure my husband would probably have great fun with that. Thanks again.