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Mrs Robinson

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legendis.god | 12:10 Tue 06th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Just heard the song on local radio.

So have you ever been one?
Or even with one ?

This question is open to both sexes as answerbank does have a strict non -sexual discrimination rule.

" Do not post material that discriminates on grounds of race, gender, age or religion. "

So are you out there?�


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That means the fleas are jumping on you now!!! Yuk!
salla.....I fit the bill except for the age..........but bl00dy Lumley Road............can't we elope?
Lumley Road? That's Skegness. I'm not in Skeggy sqad. Thank goodness.
Oh dear...well,with age comes (some ) experiance....and I have been both the older and the younger......pasta blushes
Not at the same time,mind you.....
Me too pasta - older & younger.
The present one is younger, though only by 9 months - that does not a toyboy make, even though he refers to himself as my toyboy. Wishful thinking methinks...
are you sure that your dog hasn't caught crabs from someone,?
once had a three month relasionship with someone who was 8 years younger than me

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Mrs Robinson

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