Having grown up on a ranch here in the western U.S. I'm familiar with the "wind-mills" providing electricity talked about by the "old-timers". There are still remnants around at some of the older places.
The wind driven
generator produced 6 volt electricity (DC) that was then stored in a series of large truck batteries in a shed under the wind tower. This was then routed to the house, milk-shed, or other building.
One can still attend antique sales and find 6 volt operated devices from that era. Including iron for laundry, kitchen mixers, etc. I'm told there were even 6 volt operated small refrigerators.
With the advent of
inverters to convert DC electricity to AC, the systems that are still in use are similar.
See this link:
http://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/Generate-y our-own-energy/Types-of-renewables/Microwind ... Best of luck!