Magnetic Bracelets in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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Magnetic Bracelets

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Prudie | 21:22 Sat 10th Jan 2009 | Health & Fitness
17 Answers
I've been prone over the last few years for bouts of joints in my hands, usually thumbs but also knuckles, to flare up & become very painful almost overnight. Yesterday it happened to my thumb and I was yelping with the pain. I'm guessing this is rheumatism or arthritis but anyway my question is have any of you any advice on the efficacy of the bracelets you can buy and which do you get. I'm confused about the difference between copper, magnetic, haematite etc etc
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Not sure about the bracelets but it's something worth checking out with your GP as there may be something they can do to help.

There is a blood test which can show up rhumatoid arthritis as well as X Rays can help show up any damage to joints and they can refer you to rhumatology if needs be for further help.
People have been using copper bracelets for a very long time, and some folk do say that they find them useful. I did buy a bracelet with copper and magnets years ago and found it made no difference at all.

The use of magnets is questionable, to put it mildly, as the magnets on such bracelets are far too weak to have any effect on your body. However, if it helps, magnets can be made from anything which includes iron, and haematite is a form of iron ore.
personally i remain sceptical. despite them having such good testimonials, i have never met a real life flesh and blood person who they have helped (and having arthritis myself, it's something i have looked into). I truley belive that the "people" who give them good revieews are either fake OR have thought themselves into feeling better. The only thing you can do it get one and see if it works for you.
not in any way likening you to a horse Prudie but years ago I had a neddy with arthritis and she came right with apple cider vinegar added to her food three times a day - was told to me by a vet and it certainly worked. - i use it all the time and know when I'm getting a bit slack cos joints play up. I mix it with honey, ginger and Rooibos tea a couple of times a day - put about a teaspoon in ( it does take some getting used to so start off diluting it well.) hope this helps - sorry can't comment on bracelets.
forgot to mention that if I remember correctly its something to do with apple cider vinegar releasing the potassium in the blood stream which is supposed to help with these conditions
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Thank you for your answers so far. Suppose i should go to the doctors about it and might be forced to one day but for now I know I won't bother, can't stand them. Considering how many sites on the internet sell them I was kinda hoping loads of you will tell me how great the bracelets are and which to get!!! Another con offering miracle cures I suppose. Might try the apple cider vinegar carmalee, is the Rooibos tea (???) a vital part or just for taste in your concoction?
Thanks again
I was always very sceptical about the magnetic bracelets as I though that they were a bit of a con. Then I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis and in a lot of pain. A friend lent me a magnetic bracelet that here son had used for migranes and it worked! The pain is much less now and I never take it off. I forgot to put it back on after a shower one day and I was in agony afterwards. The one I have got is called Bioflow and they do several different types on the Bioflow website so I would recommend you having a good look.
I've used the Bio-flow collars on arthritic dogs and they do work, if it works on an animal it must work it's not all in the mind with them. If you do decide to get one go for the Bio-flow, they are genuine, there are a lot of fake ones about.
no I just like it and its all natural and caffeine free. hope you come right
I posted a recommendation a few months back for magnetic bracelets. I have psoriatic arthritis and two years ago my hands and legs were swelling. I was unable to take my wedding ring off for months. I went on holiday to Fuengerola with my daughter and one day walking through the market my hands started swelling and I told her I had to rest. We had a coffee and she insisted we buy a magnetic bracelet we had seen earlier and which I had considered buying. The next day I was sun bathing on the beach and my wedding ring fell off my finger. Luckily I was aware of this and did not lose it. No swelling since until this week so I think perhaps I may need to buy a replacement. The arthritic pains have also not recurred.
Obviously does not work for everyone, but I will not go without and I know a few others who feel the same. My advice is try it.
Hi Prudie. I think you should try one yourself.Everybody is different.I have tried them all to no avail.Only prescription drugs do it for me ,well at least ease my pain for a while.
I suffered from tennis elbow and was offered cortisone injections by my doctor, thought I'd try a magnetic bracelet first and the pain was gone after about a week. My daughter gets bad RSI from typing all day and finds magnetic bracelets really help. If you're thinking of getting one make sure the magnets are the strongest possible not just pretty. Good luck.
I'm glad they work for you masma cos everyone I know who's had one ended up with cancer (something the family noticed over about 15 people). I use a copper bracelet and since using it I'm not plagued wth the tennis elbow I'd suffered from for years.
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Lawks! What do you mean coccinelle - everyone you knew with tennis elbow or a magnetic bracelet got cancer???
Magnetic bracelets, prudie. They were all the rage about 12 to 15 years ago, my parents both had one as did a lot of their friends. We noticed that those who were finding out they had cancer was wearing one of these bracelets. Both my parents died of their cancers... The coincidence is such that no one in the family will even touch one!
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Well that's not encouraging! But you say you wear a copper bracelet yourself, obviously you don't count that as magnetic which goes back to my original confusion. Praps I'll stick with trying the vinegar!
Hi Prudie
Copper bracelets aren't the same at all, in fact a lot of foreign builders have been wearing copper wires twisted together to prevent tennis elbow for years and years.

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