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i know you have all missed my racings tips...........

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stokemaveric | 11:44 Sun 25th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
so here are my 3 for today.......something silver 1.35 ayr...forpaddytheplasterer...1.50 leapordstown.....morgan be....3.35 ayr...


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Hey, stokey ... where have you been ?

I had to "go it alone" yesterday, and I got a real caning.


Anyway, if the bookies are open, I'll have a punt on these when I go out for my paper.
Where were you yesterday -it was worse than betting on your tips -I won 59p lol

They sound good so i'll have a treble on them -e/w of course !!

Im sure i'll do better than yesterday -well cant do any worse -wonder how JJ got on.
O hi JJ -I was just speaking about you -yeah cant say I had a good day yesterday either !!
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lol good morning jj and drisgirl sorry my tips didnt appear yesterday....ive had the man flu.....good luck for today....we need it lol.....and no.know i will treat those remarks with the contempt they
Aww Stoke i'm glad you manahed to get out you kip spesh for us -man flu is horrendous apparently lol.

Hope youre better soon x
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thanx drisgirl im well on the mend now......
Hi, Dris.

Sorry, I just wandered into town.

Yesterday I was a bit busy, and I went off early evening to get ready for Burns Night.

I backed 10 horses. 2 won, 8 lost.

Both of the winners were crap odds, so they didn't cover my losses.
Morgan Be won ... Yaaayyyyy !!

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i know you have all missed my racings tips...........

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