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What Breed?

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stompe | 11:14 Sun 25th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Of Cat or Dog do you have?a picture would be helpful?


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but they are cute, bigmamma x
I dont have a pet <:-(

This my mates dog eyeing up her Hamster lol da/DSC00580.jpg
sorry weeal, I got distracted by the newspaper headline ;o)
oh - pmsl - never even noticed
Tigger the tabby and Blue shorthair.
Aww all these pics, they are all so cute!

I just love that one of your 2 BM! They look so content with each other :o)

I have 2 cats, this is one of them; s/P2240011.jpg

Here's the hamster; s/SL381477.jpg

Hee weeal , that dog is concentrating hard :-)
Aww redcrx , what lovely creatures , I can see they're well loved :-)
Hi ~Wingnut ~ , my two get along really well , the lab took the puppy under her wing , so to speak , and they follow each other everywhere . Your cat is sooo gorgeous , and awww at your hamster , they're such little characters aren't they :-)
theyre not my ones, bigmamm, just google pics, but i got the pics that look closest to mine.

the tabbie and tortoishell live with my ex but i see a bit of them
I bet yours are just as gorgeous and well cared for redcrx
I own (and very occasionally) breed Lancashire Heelers.

Here's an article about them that I wrote for my breed club website: eler_article_1.php
aah, i get the name now lankeela!

bigmamma, i love that pic of your two

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