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toyota1155 | 10:02 Mon 02nd Feb 2009 | Family & Relationships
4 Answers
He is for leaving everything he owns to his brother ie. Property, machinery etc and the will was drawn up 8 months ago - even though he is legally married 10 years ago with 2 sons!! Is this possible to do or could it be contested if the need arise?


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Surely he can leave his belongings to anyone he likes? That is the whole point of making a will. There is obviously a reason why he has left everything to his brother and not provided for his wife and children.

How old are the sons? They could contest the will but would need to prove that they were financially dependant on their father.
You need propler advice go to CAB with all the facts. He can leave his property to who ever he likes, but you as his wife and mother of his children have legal rights, and may own half that property. Anyway you need a will protecting your half of any assets and making sure it goes to your children and not him if you die. Without a will it will all go to him and he may not leave it to the children if that is what he intends. This site cannot give you all the answers you need.
If you are in scotland he can't cut his kids out of his will. Sounds like a lovely guy (not)
People are allowed to leave their estate to whoever they please, and rightly so.
If anyone else thinks they are entitled to something, the court will decide.

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