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thank you for all your comments, sorry it took so long to reply too. My dad is generally a nice guy believe it or not, we don't usually argue and we all get on fine as a family, but when we go away to CZ to see family he always becomes very difficult and impossible to talk to in a constructive way. I would like to recommend to my family that we home exchange with someone in CZ, so we all go, but I know all my family would be nervous about this. Has anyone ever done a home exchange before, if so what was it like?
Also I would like to add that I said in my post at the top that everyone goes back to their home country for at least a couple of weeks a year. Sorry, I just realised that it can be very difficult especially for refugees or people that can't go back to their home country or if you live far away, to visit your family for a couple of weeks a. What I meant by that is like if you live in Britain but were born in Europe you generally go back to your family.