Welcome to this very first week of our new setter, Queen Dustybun. Her name reminds me of the famous quote from Marie Antoinette to the peasants of Paris: "Let them eat cake". Perhaps she should have ordered "Let them eat dusty buns" and she may have kept her head!
To set up Week [1] of any MM Links Game is always tight on time, but none tighter that this week with Queen Dusty, yet she has taken on her responsibilities with great gusto! As far as we can prepare, all the I's have been dotted and the T's crossed in ensuring all the IT skills are in place. All we can do now is wait to see what happens tomorrow.
Oh dear missed you all by seconds!!!! Been to see a play at the Garrick in Lichfield and then for a coffee and not been home very long. Hope you all had a good evening
Cliffyg, I suppose that you have already completed the GK crossword and have your link words ready and waiting! Congratulations on winning last month's contest