Whether to get involved depends on yourself and all parties concerned and the relationships/feelings. As for this example of smoking, whoever obtains/sells the cigarettes for/to a 14 year old is actually committing an offense. Smokers will (naturally) be inclined to brush it off as nothing, others will see it as something worth trying to prevent. I told my dad (who smoked from the age of 14 to within weeks of his death) to his face that I resented what he was doing because he was killing my father. In the end he died of smoking related illness - I miss him. Personally, I have never seen the attraction and don't have sympathy with those who say they want to stop smoking and don't recognise they are addicted so don't approach it correctly (all of those I know who have stopped did so through firm decision, not "I'll try"). Young people should be taken to speak to those dying from the habit so they know where they are headed if they choose to smoke. I would happily see the UK sink into whatever catastrophe smokers predict if smoking stopped (not to mention if it was worldwide) - it would be no worse than what results from all the smoking.