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patriciather | 23:06 Wed 20th Apr 2005 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers

anybody know of any good products that i can use to get rid of ants?i tried a liquid form last year and it was to say the least "a waste of time"




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Talcum powder! I know it sound strange but when they walk in it they get covered in the smell and when they return to the nest the others kill any ant who's smell they don't recognise. Let them do the work for you. Oh, and it's not dangerous to pets, children or the planet. Win, Win, WIn!
I shall try that ronianna, and if it works, may the heavens praise you.
Mix sugar and borax powder together and sprinkle it about
Also normal teachers chalk, for some reason ants cannot (or will not) walk through chalk, so draw a line round doors etc.

"Dethlac" it's what the council use. It works.

Get some of the aerosol spray specifically for ant and crawling insect control that is available in most supermarkets or hardware stores.

  If you are trying to keep them out of the house then spray all around the perimeter of the room (s)  that is/are the problem. 

 The spray should form a band about 4-6 ins wide and must cut off every point of possible entry. It stays down for several weeks by which time the ants have generally learned that your kitchen is not a welcoming environment.  I have rarely had to repeat a spraying more than once .

Once it is down they do not cross it as a rule but the brave fools who do do not make it far.

If you are trying to get rid of them in the garden  -  give up!! They were there first and they outnumber you about 10 billion to 1!!

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