A heart-felt "Good Morning" AB-Linkers from Queen Dusty. This is the second week of my reign and, as chance would have it, we land on a notable date that would be difficult to ignore. My immediate challenge is for me to replicate the IT skills of last week (which is far from certain)!
As crofter intimated last week, love can take many forms and I recall him confessing to be a Dusty Springfield fan and a Newcastle United supporter! He can sure pick them!
Late as usual this time of year. Saw Cliffyg this morning while umpiring indoors. He had already put down his words (and also his love for that team, manu factured and rich).
My words today are
Open Secret
Puppy Love
Green Card
Broken Heart (and there will be many today).
Gretings from Jamaica
We hope we are not too late, but I don't suppose it will make any difference to our scores anyway.
Mr. O
Secret Code
Love Boat
Card Game
Heart Throw
Mrs. O
Trade Secret
Love Triangle
Thrump Card
Heart Beat