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wolf63 | 02:30 Thu 26th Feb 2009 | Technology
7 Answers
Is it possible to get a Laptop without the silly touch pad thingy at the front? I have looked around but have been unable to see one..

I have a cute little mouse that I use with my current laptop and there is no point in paying for a feature that I won't be using.

I am thinking about buying a lightweight laptop. I don't actually need a new laptop, but I want one.

Thanks for any help.


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Perhaps one of these Samsung gadgets might fit the bill?
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get any laptop and then disable the touchpad
LOL... I was thinking you want a laptop without a touchpad because you have problems with hitting it when typing.... I've just read your question say "no point in paying for a feature that I won't be using"

laptops have touchpads... your not paying extra for it. just get one with a touchpad!
Touchpads are there to allow people to use them on aeroplanes or other places where there is no room to lay a mouse.

While you THINK you may not use it, one day you will be sitting somwhere and find you cant use your mouse and say "I wish I had a touch pad".
You have to have something there, for times when you don't have a mouse or the mouse isn't working. If you intend to have the laptop in one place at all times with a mouse at all times, perhaps you should get a desktop?

But, to properly answer your question: some laptops have 'nipples', that are in between some of the keys on the keyboards.

An example of a laptop range with these nipples is the Lenovo Thinkpad range (several models, anyway).

They work pretty well, but take time getting used to.
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Thanks for all the answers.

I have a good desktop PC and a Dell laptop. But the laptop is massive and is about 4kg. I use a mouse because I do not have the co-ordination to use the pad thing.

My thinking was the laptop would be smaller without the touchpad at the front.

I have no good reason for wanting a new laptop - it is a matter of "I want". I find that using a laptop keyboard is not good for my wrists anyway.

Thanks for all your help.
I might just go and buy a new handbag instead. :-)

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