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how the hell?

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pusskin | 20:07 Thu 26th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I''m sitting here reading past posts on "body and soul"
and shocked that my name PUSSKINS has appeared, near where some-one has put a post !
can you see what i mean, if you click onto it and have a peek.
Am i going crazy or what. ---whats happened there.

I havent put a post on that topic x hahah


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could there be 2 pusskins on A.B ?
sorry cant see on body and soul what date??
don't worry it is not your thread and you haven't been cloned
click on to the next page and the name of who ever was responsible for the post will appear
-- answer removed --
hi pusskin my name was there too and like you i have not put a post on there.
it happens when somebody posts a link to a review of an answer. like this view/Question714847.html
preview of an answer even!
Relax's just a glitch
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ah --thank god for that !!!! (dated 26-2-09)

really thought I was going crazy.

As for the topic , "liking young girls." that definately werent me involved.

Men involved with young girls , need their nuts chopped OFF ---. SAY NO MORE. ---

many thanks for all your replies x pusskins
Question Author
I'm slowly realising what you all mean now, especially
you chuck fickens.
Shabill -- I'm glad that I'm not the only one -- you too ay.

thanks so much for putting my mind at rest.

cheers, one and all x
was beginning to think I was going round the bend seeing my name on posts in Body and Soul and Chatterbank that I certainly have never posted.

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how the hell?

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