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Englands housing problem

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hailthechimp | 15:02 Tue 03rd Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Ive just seen something on the news about englands "frozen house market" and i was just wondering,was has it being that cold recently that everyones been building igloos?


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I think I'm living in one!!!!

I am dreading my heating bills coming in!!!
Question Author
A good way to keep in the warmth with these rising energy bills is to no1-slather chilli paste all over your body or no2-have a family member suck on a fireball gobstopper and an extra strong mint while everyone gathers around their tongue!

I must try that then!
Think about the homeless
I saw a homeless man getting off a bus, I thought to myself.. how does he know this is his stop?
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lol@linda,have you seen the new high risers that the council have built for the homeless,yeah its just 3 boxes perched on top of each other!

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Englands housing problem

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