I cannot understand either, how i have been so concerned about how jade is getting on with her illness --but i have been !
There are so many people going through hell and back with family and friends illness's. I wasnt keen on jade really , but what a flipping shame knowing that shes soon to say goodbye to her boys , and hubbie of 2 weeks..
maybe she isnt being splashed all over the newspapers and tv out of respect for someone who it would apper doesn't have much time left.
she turned out to be a much better person than first appeared on bb
hello nobby noo 57-- your right there.
because shes so ill, its just a matter of time really, and things have had to quieten down a bit .
Its amazing though how shes turned out to be admired by many , who dont even know her. (including me )
lets hope that she gets the peace that she should have, with all her family around her.
I don't think you can necessarily judge how someone relates to kids ( their own or their step kids) by the way they conduct themselves otherwise. You'd be surprised whose a caring father and who isn't. Just because you drink and smack someone round the head with a pool cue, doesn't oddly enough mean that's all there is to you. Weird that.
I think that once jade passes away, he will let their real dad take over more and more, and he will slowly make a new life! I do think that he really loves the kids though -- and I hope I'm right. But without jade, it will fade in time.
I think she has highlighted what it's like for loved ones to watch someone die. For people who have never heard that their loved one only has x amount of time to live they may now understand. She's done a good job.
shes done no harm, and only helped some where along the way, in letting you know that "people" can change their spots.
Shes had a load of ups and downs, and would have come out on top if she wasnt dying, poor kid.