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i love my other half

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zzxxee | 15:57 Fri 13th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
around the universe and back are people in love like me?


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Adore my other half, we will be celebrating 3 years of marriage this April too :-) Talking of other half, must leave AB now as need to make self look gorgeous as husband has just called to say he is on his way home from work :-)
Wonderful thread! Warm wishes, Bea :-)
I can't find it sqad????
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airwolf now you gotto be kidding ying yang?
fao ummmm
1953 Schoolboy at Northampton Grammar School was capped to play for England v France on the wing. His name J.P.Hyde. No a lo a people know that (said in my best Michael Caine Impersonation)
Thurs 12/03/09
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are you in love squad?
Didn't you ask me that before?

I presume you mean Rugby???

I haven't got a clue. I didn't know that...!!! The school is now 'Northampton school for boys'

I think I told you that my mate plays for the saints. Still don't follow it though....
Never use the noun or verb......."to love"

I wouldn't change the "old lady" for anyone, although she takes a lot of handling (not sexual unfortunately)

Senn so many people saying how in love they are and then they get divorced or found to have or having affairs.

I will stick to my definition.

zzxxee....I LOVE YOU.
I love my ex to bits and will never stop loving him. I just don't love him in a romantic way. I will see him next week when I get to Spain and we'll spend a bit of time together with our dog. I'm so glad we have got to a stage where we can be commited friends.
Not kidding,zzxxee!
I'm not doing him credit here though.We've been together nearly 16 years and I still can't wait for him to come home every night.
He's also the best dad I could want for my girls and he's totally adord by all of us.
ummmm....oooops! sorry.
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thankyou squad i do not no you but i am flattered .... i think? i love everyone xxxxxxx
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well yinyang as long as he has those qualities you can excuse the airwolf thing i suppose lol
I love mrs ian very much - holiday romance turned out well - was abroad in the med with a bunch of friends - went into a restaurant - gorgeous waitress waiting on us - few beers -a bit of dutch courage - friends egging me on as she was giving me the eye, so we started talking when i went up to pay the bill - luckily next day was her day off - spent all next day swimming sunbathing ( no kfc, though) and generally chilling - evening - romantic meal,festa with fireworks and stuff( amazing) and a club dancing - stayed in touch after that - went back a couple of months later and again and again - she came over here for a long spell - got married 3 years to the day we met - been married 17 years this summer - have 4 lovely children so love her to bits ( think she loves me too!, as i'm quite easy going!!- well she says she does! x
ian.....go easy.......i have a lump in my throat and my eyes are filling up. You have put me off my dinner now LOL
you having kfc, sqad? if you are i'm coming.......
ian....get back to smelly feet eh? LOL
i'm going there now - poor girl!

�?�? did that help ?�?�?
Well leggy, I will come clean.....I do love my partner.....I love him to bits. LOL
yeah squid

i thot you was single like me ?

fantasy stuff aside that is : 0)

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i love my other half

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