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slightly embarresing problem....

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zzxxee | 15:50 Fri 13th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
ive noticed of late my feet are really whiffy, have done everything careful washing ect, oder eaters cotton socks but nothing seems to help im soooooooooooooooooooo ashamed blush blush please help..


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hiya zzxxee - two words spring to mind - odour eaters!! although tea tree oil seems to be the one the gang are advising you on! x
sqad - always read the label. I do! LOL :-)
If I could solve this problem for you, this would be a real "feet" of strength on my part!
Zzxxee, soak your feet in tea; brew tea as you would for drinking and soak your feet for ten/fifteen minutes a few times. Do not rinse feet just pat dry. This remedy is good for smelly as well as sweaty feet.

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