I have a vauxhall corsa 03, i recently had it MOT - it failed on a broken passenger front coil spring - they replaced and it passed. My question is should they have replace both or is it ok to just replace oneside when it is to do with suspension etc.
With respect chas
If that car would have gone into the dealership they would have told you what consequences there could be by changing one spring, Myself, I would have changed the 2 may it be the front or rear, The front springs get the first impact of pot holes & the likes, so safety tell me they should have changed the 2 Startac, you now have one weak spring.
agree with you all 110% , not advisable but it is common practice to fit just one., which answered the question
..If it was such an issue they would only sell in prs (like brake discs/pads/shoes), but although often advised to replace in prs all suspension items can be purchased individually...