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if you could be 1 piece of.....

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stokemaveric | 01:19 Sat 04th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
55 Answers
clothing or an item that has been deemed a pivotal point in history what would it be?...i would have liked to have been.....the world cup when bobby moore held it aloft at wembley in 1966........


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well that's good enough for me......I think I may have to review my answer now as I'm not very good first thing in the morning.....
But I had the olmpic Torch as well and I don't really like the heat...
olympic even
if you could be 1 piece of.....
clothing or an item that has been deemed a pivotal point in history what would it be?...i would have liked to have been.....the world cup when bobby moore held it aloft at wembley in 1966........

stokemaveric ,you must clearly win the world record for the internets/worlds most stupidest/dumbest question! If you could be an item of clothing? WTF?HAHAHA! You are seriously retarded you flucking emo scumbag,hold your head in shame ,ive got teenage kids that would never dream of asking something as dumb as you you flucking nonce! hahaha! Fix up and grow up and come back when you have something intelligent to say..........if you could be an item of clothing? P M S L! R E T A R D E D K H U N T!
okay Crazy - will put up with it and just bloody shine....
I don't know what to think about you having teenage children, chimp.

The way you speak/type sounds like a teenager. What a terrible way to bring up children, talking like that. Cause I bet you do talk to them that way.

And then you wonder why your children commit crimes & commit serial monogamy.

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you have kids haildadi*k....HA HA HA what makes them think that they are yours??????? i heard your mrs worked the streets as an unpaid prostitute..........if you dont like the questions then dont read them you piece of unwanted sh1t......they threw the best part of you away at wonder they patted your mother on the back when she produced squirm back to your hole............
Stoke,your question tells us that your a bumbling buffoon with a spotty face,specs and a problem getting an erection without viagra...
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haildad*ck....and your response to my question tells us that you are of very low intellect who is clearly out of his depth when trying to deal with adult why dont you just go to bed??? its getting a little late for you dont you think???....goodnight.....and good fcking riddance......
P*ss poor question but I reckon if I'd been one of the tortoises first discovered on the Galapagos islands then I'd still be alive today.
Stoke i am on medication................................whats your excuse for asking dumb sub human questions" if you was a shirt...." HAHAHA! You need to be humiliated you dumb ******** tw@tface!
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it might be a poor question but it was getting
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if you are on medication diCkface then do us all a favour and go and take an overdose.......pri*k.....
"it was getting late"

That's er a very good about p*ss poor, I think I might just p*ss myself laughing.
Stoke your as thick as pig shiit,go and bury your head in acid till you think of something decent to say ya flucking loser,its no wonder that your wifes cheated on you 3 times d1ckhead.....................and once wth me the sloppy pu$$ied wizard sleeved sh4gbag.....

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if you could be 1 piece of.....

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