I had an operation yesterday to repair a large hole in my septum, no drug abuse I am afraid. They have put a synthetic button inside my nose to repair the hole. ABSOLUTE AGONY. Has anyone ever had this done or know of someone, when will the pain go away, it feels like a dustbin lid.
I had a septoplasty operation almost 18 months ago,it was a similar operation to yours....I still have bleeding,scabbing and pain all this time later.
Did the hospital give you a nasal douche to rinse the area with boiled salty water? If not it would be a good idea to buy one from the chemist.
My septum was very badly deviated sqad,whether it should be painful post-op is irrelevant really as it was and still is.I managed to collapse the septum almost immediately after discharge from hospital by sneezing and tearing a hole in it which I refuse to have fixed.