In Greek mythology, what is the name of the fleet-footed huntress who refused to marry unless her suitor could defeat her in a running race but stopped to pick up three golden apples craftily dropped during the race by her suitor...
I know the answer is either ATLANTA or ATALANTA and have found articles referring to both.
The answer to this question has to be spelt correctly. Does anyone have any ideas as to which answer will be acceptable?
Hi hotrocker, I used to be really into Greek mythology and always knew the fleet-footed huntress as Atalanta. I have a feeling that Atlanta is a more modern version but I should say that Atalanta is correct.
I too had this problem, but decided to plump for Atalanta because it seems to be the one most used. I've even googled her father's name - Iasus - because I thought her name was bound to be mentioned. Most of the websites seem to go with Atalanta.