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builders breakfast walkers crisps

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zzxxee | 17:33 Thu 14th May 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
does anybody actually like them? i think they are bloody revolting


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they taste like a pungent f@rt....
Question Author
smell really eggy like vomit so horrid
Well I certainly didn't vote for them - like the duck one myself, but that'sthat now.
I didn't like any of the new flavours and thought the duck ones were eeuuggh! The fish and chips that won the vote just tasted like salt and vinegar. What a waste of time.
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i didnt think they had a winner yet i had a packet today and on the back you could still vote
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i didnt mind the onion bahji bagi bahaji oh ******** however you spell it lol
The winner was announced days ago - it is builders breakfast.
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hang on someones saying fish and chips someones saying builders breakfast whats going on lol
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anyone no whos won yet?
it was builders breakfast that won, i thought they were all horrible!

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builders breakfast walkers crisps

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