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ummmm | 01:17 Tue 26th May 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Well....tonight one of my BF friends came round. When I left the room she asked him for �20 (fair enough, it happens on a weekly basis) Then another friend also came round who also asked for �20. Because she doesn't get paid till Friday. When I left the room she then started to slag me off to him.

Guess what he did?


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Dunno... but whilst your flush, can I borrow...
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soft touch'es
Question Author
Snagged....he took the money back and fired her out the door.

She tried to fight him but as he doesn't hit girls he just picked her up and chucked her out the door.

Not so much of a soft touch me thinks...
''She tried to fight him''

wtf... sounds like Shameless pmsl...

Nice for you to know he did that though eh...

...the ginger tw@t ;-))
kick the pair of scroungers out i hope,
posted to late, sorry.
Ummm really you need to mix with a betetr class of people doll. : o)

You got my number lol
Question Author
Lol...he'll love that answer snagged. But he's asleep next to me on the sofa sweating...!!

When friend No 1 said she was coming round my first thought was....oh dear, is she skint ( he was doing the bathroom yay)

I was right......

I gave friend No 2 the money as she's also my friend (BF gave it to me) then she slagged me off to him and told him I was a bad mother.

He lost the head....
good on him ummmm.....they wont' be back......
ummmm... the last few times you've mentioned your ''better half'' on here, he's been ''sweating''...

Do you keep him locked up, letting him out ''as and when'' pmsl...
Wathever happened to a cup of sugar or t-bags.Ask what they want the money for.Well abank would.
Question Author snagged. I was completely shocked by his reaction. God forbid anyone who calls me a bad mother.!!

The 2nd person is my cousin and also one of his best friends. It would not seem so anymore :-(

Ummm you now some weirdos offline btw.
One of you BFs? How many have you got?
What is your definition of a boyfriend?
Question Author
You know what I mean sqad! I have one boyfriend who I live with.

But we tend to have many visits two weeks before payday!

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