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In the city

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stewey | 02:10 Fri 05th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
...that I live in, there is a German Club. Do you think that they will be holding festivities on Saturday?


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Doubtful, but the Poles are celebrating - they have achieved what Hitler couldn't - they've conquered the whole of Europe !!
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Or, perhaps, a solemn moment of silence?
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Hi, Debsi. I don't live in the UK, so I don't know what you mean about the Polish.
Oh, where you at Stewey ?
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Ah, so you don't have the Eastern European "curse" there then ?
No, they would have the American/Mexican curse.
Dunno 'bout that ?
I just got back from LA last week (was visiting my daughter who lives out there) & yes - the Mexican contingent is strong (but then, I was told that it used to "belong" to them - so that would explain it ??)
Dunno about Canada though, we'll have to wait for Steweys' response !
There's no excuse for our "influx" though !!
(apart from a major C0ck-up on the part of the government)
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"American/Mexican" curse in Canada? Never heard of it, never seen it, and really can't imagine what it could be.
Didn't think so !
Don't worry about that, it doesn't mean anything. The Eastern European curse exists because Brits have a better standard of living than most of Eastern Europe so they flock over here to live and work. My comment simply suggested that Americans and Mexicans flock to Canada just because they are close neighbours. In future, take my answers as absolute nonsense.
No, that wasn't a knock - some movements are quite obvious 'cause of the geographics involved - (others are just governmental c0ck-up's !)
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Ok, johny. I sort of see what you mean now: they (eastern Europeans) are "invading" the UK. We do not have that problem with US citizens or Mexicans pouring over the border to claim jobs or benefits.
Just before I go Stewey, Pls respond to my "where's Stewey gone" ???
We've (my partner & I) been trying to find out about truck driving jobs in Canada, but there are a lot of "shysters" out there ! Any info would help !
Cheers & goodnight !

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